Cal Armstrong

Cal Armstrong


I had a great conversation with some parents the other day. When they first emailed, they mentioned they wanted to talk about their students’ math. My first thought was why? Very bright kid, very self-motivated, always at the top of…


Over the March Break (when I had some unstructured down time) I ran into a new puzzle form — the KenKen. While it has a superficial similarity to Sodoku in that the numbers can’t be repeated in a column or…

You want how much for wireless?

I’m off in mid-April to the NCTM’s Annual Conference; I’m looking forward to it because I’m also attending the Research PreSession (have to learn how to network with researchers in anticipation of starting my PhD) and also the NCSM, which…

A little off-topic..

While I’m more than happy to rant again about videostreaming/taping conference sessions (MERU on Thursday?), especially after meeting in New York and hearing half the participants explain why they can’t attend the NCTM Annual Meeting in Washington due to hotel…

PWN’ing PLNs

The conversation surrounding PLNs (Personal Learning Networks) continues to grow, both from the perspective of the student and the teacher. A member of my blogroll (and thus, tangentially, a member of my PLN) made a post that prompted some reflection.…


With the conclusion of the algebraic portion of the MPM2D course (we only have the trigonometric unit yet to cover) the students are looking forward to their summative evaluation. We’ve been doing review for the past week or so through…

We’re yammer’ing

Well, here’s hoping this works out… the IT department (unbeknownst to all of us) has had their own private twitter going on for the past couple of months using I serendipitously (maybe?) found out about it and started to…


Well, I think Voicethreads is a great way of offering peer feedback to student work. I used it to distribute their responses to my summative assignment on slopes & equations of lines; the final requirement in that assignment was to…