chatOAME: Ask better questions.

So, there’s been a lot of stuff done on the AI-side for chatOAME over Christmas. Well, a lot of stuff was done but much like the difference between distance and displacement, I didn’t get very far 🙂 I did enjoy…

How do you know you’re right?

So I’m only on the 2nd class of the year in my Grade 10 Math course so far.  We start late, and we only see them for 3 hours a week, so yes, we move a little slow.I had set…

Using Assignments in Microsoft Teams

So everything we do is in OneNote. Everything. But we (okay, me) are trying to break out into other tools and that includes Microsoft Teams and their Assignment workflow.  What I tried was this:1) In a Word document we wrote…

Back to the BreakOut

So, long story short, we have a bit of extra time in our Right-Angle Trigonometry unit, so I mentioned to my team that I would put together a BreakOut for review.  During this time, we have a lot of kids…