Year 2009

Why Smartboards?

I really have to question the continued emphasis on Smartboards… if you’re a teacher (well, high school teacher at least) I’d strongly recommend you consider investing in a good tablet PC and wireless projector.  For the price of the Smartboard,…

What a beautiful day…

One thing LiveJournal has is a nice space to automatically put the music you’re listening to… here I have to do it manually… U2, Beautiful Day.Anyways… what makes it s0?1) 10C, rain in the morning… means riding the motorcycle later…

Google Docs

So I’ve been playing a bit with Google docs in a few classes…1) Grade 8s. A communal document for review… I distributed review questions to each student and they wrote out the solutions in OneNote and clipped them into our…

Putting MapleTA into Wikispaces

Having looked through the posts on Maple Primes, I found a suggestion to insert MapleTA assignments into webpages. So, I flipped over to Wikispaces and tried it out. A little bit of detective work on the page locations, I got…

Opening up things a bit

Having come back from Educon 2.1 I realize that I have to be (far) more collaborative. Not my nature being an introvert but, having tried to blog every year for the past 10 years, I’ll try again. Since I can’t…