I really have to question the continued emphasis on Smartboards… if you’re a teacher (well, high school teacher at least) I’d strongly recommend you consider investing in a good tablet PC and wireless projector. For the price of the Smartboard, you could likely pick up a couple more tablets or a lot more netbooks and using just the wireless projector you can collaborate with your students. There’s also some nice collaborative software out there (I use Classroom Presenter from UWashington).
Much like the over-emphasis on the TI (you could outfit a class with netbooks) the bandwagon that the Smartboards are driving is causing schools to waste a lot of money that could be much better spent. At our school, which have had Smartboards for 8 years, every classroom is outfitted with one. And number of them being used? Maybe 5%. Maybe…

I agree with you Cal. I find that the Smartboards often fall into the wrong hands at our schools. In fact, there are many teachers who start their use of technology in the class when they receive a Smartboard. I think that a tablet and projector works just fine and you can bring the tablet anywhere.