Tag Artificial Intelligence

Adventures in AI #10

So a few highlights from the past month as I continue to refine things. And really, it’s a lot of refinement and incremental progress. Much of the “big” work is done and now it’s usability, it’s — well, I was…

chatOAME: Ask better questions.

So, there’s been a lot of stuff done on the AI-side for chatOAME over Christmas. Well, a lot of stuff was done but much like the difference between distance and displacement, I didn’t get very far 🙂 I did enjoy…

Adventures in AI (Part #8)

Well, it’s been over a week since I’ve posted, and really since I’ve been able to spend any substantial time on this project. I do, after all, have a full-time (more than full-time!) job and an active volunteer role that…

Adventures in AI (Part 6)

Definitely feeling some excitement — we soft launch tomorrow! The OAME webmaster set up the page and I did some quick testing to make sure it all worked well together. Still one small fix before tomorrow night’s presentation. I have…

Adventures in AI (#5)

And we’re ready to push it out to a larger group! As teaching-life will do, I had a crazy week of work last week (7.5 hours of Parent/Teacher interviews — thanks Zoom!) so it took a while to catch up…

Adventures in AI (Part 2)

I really enjoyed playing with MyAskAI as our first attempt at providing an Ontario/OAME lens to Artificial Intelligence– it’s a really practical and easy approach to making a knowledgeable chatbot and our OAME-proprietary content was safe from OpenAI’s data capture.…

Adventures in AI (Part 1 of n)

So I started working in AI and chatbots about 7 years ago and had a fair bit of success in building a service that provided answers to school-based questions (“When and where is the School Play being performed?“, “What is…