Year 2017

Audio in Learning (in OneNote)

Last week was crazy busy (3 conferences, report cards and my Dad’s memorial service) so I’m catching up on my November committment. As Richard Byrne laid out today in his post, “Voice Recording Tools“, audio can be very effective for…

Tech is not the be-all and end-all

Although I said I’d blog every day in November, I meant “school days” and didn’t intend to blog on the weekend. But I had a few minutes between tasks and was browsing Twitter and came across Draper’s post: It’s (still)…

Keeping up with Microsoft

So on Fridays, I sit in the Lounge at School so that folks can get assistance with things. It’s good because just seeing me will prompt them “Oh, I had a question for you!”  Today, someone sat down with a…

Desmos, OneNote & Replay

So using Desmos activities are a great way to encourage exploration and discussion in math class — if you haven’t tried them, I encourage it.  They’re collected at  But … Desmos doesn’t give you quite enough.  It doesn’t have a…

The Class/Staff OneNotes in Teams – Nudging Permissions

So Microsoft Teams EDU is a new layer added to Sharepoint/Office365 to make the space workable. Sharepoint/Office365 is ridiculously powerful, but like all ridiculously powerful applications, they need mediation to make them open to the average user.  (For regular OneNote…

Teaching Math Online with OneNote & Skype (part 1)

So, although I tried to avoid it, I ended up helping design and am now delivering an online course in mathematics this summer, specifically the Ontario Ministry course MPM2D (Grade 10 Academic).  Fortunately, for the design of the course, I…

Nudging the OneNote Staff Notebook Permissions

So I’m already prepping for next year and putting together the Staff OneNote … I managed to convince the three Academic Directors and the three School Directors (vice principals) to merge their separate OneNotes into one.  (Yay, small victories!)  If…