Month November 2023

Adventures in AI (Part 6)

Definitely feeling some excitement — we soft launch tomorrow! The OAME webmaster set up the page and I did some quick testing to make sure it all worked well together. Still one small fix before tomorrow night’s presentation. I have…

Adventures in AI (#5)

And we’re ready to push it out to a larger group! As teaching-life will do, I had a crazy week of work last week (7.5 hours of Parent/Teacher interviews — thanks Zoom!) so it took a while to catch up…

Adventures in AI (Part 4)

Well, the OAME AI service has been out for a day for testing. And it glitched about two hours in 😲 It was a temporary glitch and they’re bound to happen, especially when there’s currently an intermediary service between us…

Adventures in AI (Part 3)

So as described in the last post, using Microsoft’s Azure to produce a knowledgeable and responsive chat service was great, except for the cost. Meanwhile, OpenAI (the producer of ChatGPT) opened up their system with two new options: Custom ChatGPTs…

Adventures in AI (Part 2)

I really enjoyed playing with MyAskAI as our first attempt at providing an Ontario/OAME lens to Artificial Intelligence– it’s a really practical and easy approach to making a knowledgeable chatbot and our OAME-proprietary content was safe from OpenAI’s data capture.…

Adventures in AI (Part 1 of n)

So I started working in AI and chatbots about 7 years ago and had a fair bit of success in building a service that provided answers to school-based questions (“When and where is the School Play being performed?“, “What is…