Cal Armstrong

Cal Armstrong

Using Office Lens

A brief aside.I had dropped by a workshop first thing this morning and was sitting at the front and wanted to grab a shot of the screen; at first I used my camera — I wasn’t thinking.  As soon as I looked…


I had the opportunity to visit a school just outside of Edinburgh yesterday. While my overall intent was to look at the use of OneNote and Office365, what resonated with me so strongly was the fluidity with which both educators…

The #OneNote Grand Tour – Evolving Questions

So while my hometown undergoes a rare March Break blizzard, I’m enjoying 13C and sun in beautiful Edinburgh. It’s quite enjoyable to be relaxing in a coffee shop watching the Scottish go about their daily tasks while I get caught…

The #OneNote Grand Tour – Part 0

In the summer of 2012, I started a new position at Appleby College.  Moving from math teacher to “indeterminate job title”1 meant that for the first time in 20 years, I would not be in the classroom.  The goal of…

What is your classroom like?

So my new year’s resolution is to write one blog post a week.I thought I would start off by answering a question I was asked during #PubPD in October.  Now, #PubPD is a fun evening where teachers gather together in…

Thoughts on Google versus Office

This was a recent question posted amongst school educators G suite versus Office 365. Thoughts? Since I wrote a fair bit, I thought I’d also post it here: If people are learning with a modern pen-based tablet pc, or are…

OneNotes upon OneNotes…

We’re just prepping for the start of the school year (we don’t start teaching until the 12th) and I just thought I’d run through how enmeshed Microsoft OneNote is to our school. 1) Class OneNotes — this is where it…