Screen Recording made easy

Screen recording is something I do A LOT … when you’re a math teacher and students want solutions, it’s easy to open up OneNote and write out the solution or work through a Desmos graphing or a Graspable Math solution, giving a spoken step-by-step as I go. Now, what I’d like to see is a Screen-Recording built in to OneNote but, for now, it’s built in to PowerPoint. So if you have PowerPoint, you have screen recording!
Here we go… Open up PowerPoint, click on INSERT and choose SCREEN RECORDING

You’ll then get a pop-up with a few options (not a lot, which is nice. Some folks find all the options off-putting). It uses the default audio recording device set by Windows, so if it’s not the right one, go into Windows settings to change it.

Click on and draw a box around the area of the screen you want to record. Once you click on the RECORD BUTTON you’ll get a 3-second countdown letting you know that recording is about to start, and press WINDOWS-SHIFT-Q to stop.

Now, do your thing! Go through what you want to do and what you want to say. That is a PAUSE option while you’re recording in case you need to cough.

Once you press Windows-Shift-Q, you’ll find yourself back in PowerPoint with the video sitting there ready to go!

You’ll likely want to right-click the video and work on some of the options:

  1. Save Media As... This will let you save your video as an MP4. From there, you can embed it into OneNote, upload it to Stream/YouTube, etc.
  2. Trim … basically you can crop your video, removing some of the start of the video (or the end) from when you were screen recording.

3. Start… Whether you want the video to start when you first change over to the slide or when you deliberately click the video.

One thing you may notice is that since you’ve inserted something into PowerPoint, the AI-driven option of DESIGN IDEAS show up. If you haven’t used PowerPoint lately, you’re missing out! Design Ideas will make your PowerPoints much slicker– it looks at which images and text parts are being used on your slides and makes some choices based on some design principles that remain foreign to me, but make me look good 🙂

Cal Armstrong
Cal Armstrong
Articles: 223

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